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The modernization paradigm of Rafael Moreno Valle. Putin or Salinas?

The modernization paradigm of Rafael Moreno Valle. Putin or Salinas?
By Diego Velazquez

Federal elections last year in Puebla were considered a referendum on the state government. Contrary to what was expected, given the results, there was a change of course in public administration morenovallista and inspiration for the first national judiciary it remains at the head of the local executive. The elections for the minigubernatura tested this process and again, voters will accept or reject support personal style of governing that arrived in Puebla in 2010. However there is little incentive for the political struggle, the value of time not it is less to think if the entity was a historical rupture, a transitional regime change.

The morenovallistas political yearnings are linked to a modernization project that aims to alter forever Puebla. Public policies developed in this six years have catalysed government administration, federalism, economic structures, social movements, territory, natural resources and regional landscape. The infrastructure and mobility in major cities of the entity with adjectives Smart and Charter, megaprojects, the model Audi city, administrative centralization and integrators and integrated service centers are characteristic, more or less fundamental, of post-liberal government Puebla. Upstream, it still can not define the type of currency you want to drive in the state. We have had in Mexico different modernizing experiences that left their mark and served as an element of imitation in the local: the juarismo, the porfirismo, the callismo, Cardenismo and salinismo. The latest model is the path that most root in the country and even inserted the country into a civilizational conflict that has not been defined yet. What is the modernization that uses morenovallismo?

Puebla has had different modernization options: the avilacamachismo, the bartlismo and morenovallismo. The first are part of a vision of state capitalism that removed and erected chiefdoms and local empowerments. The last, still unclear.

Morenovallista modernization that is authoritarian, nor doubt. But what is their model, which is based stereotype to boost their public and dynamics of government policies. Moreno Valley has made a model of authoritarian modernization that while, at first maintained connections with the past to the point considered an neoavilacamachismo, the fact is that there are significant differences on social and political relations that are being generated. The morenovallismo has been linked to political and external economic groups to implement your project, you lack observe the consequences in the long term.

For the English philosopher John Gray nobody can escape from modernity, there is now a post-capitalist globalization of technology covering everything. Only, this expansion also generates identity restatements or cultural conflicts. What really is in crisis, beyond modernity, is faith in Enlightenment thought. Puebla which is modernizing rapidly due to megaprojects and centralizing policies have imagined, it also presents a huge crisis of Enlightenment thought. If the exhaustion of neoliberalism and how geopolitics is ongoing understood, Puebla follows guidelines of the postcapitalist forms If modernization is no longer accompanied by the Enlightenment and is valid postpone democracy, pluralism, freedom, equality and Justice; it is logical to see the resurgence of authoritarian Kemalists practices or modernizations of China, Russia, North Korea, Turkey and Iran can become as examples. A approximates those experiences what is happening in the country and in the state.

One case worth mentioning is the leadership shown by Vladimir Putin for more than a decade in Russia. The ailing post-Soviet country trying to faithfully follow the Western recommendations aside democratic and neoliberal obstinamiento for the consolidation of a new state, a new economy and a new regime. Russia is, again, an energy and nuclear superpower thanks to the authoritarian modernization of a leader who renewed the political, social and economic structures under a centralization inspired espionage, responsibility, nationalism, control of business, destruction the nomenklatura, an implacable justice and craves of historical significance. Vladimir Putin is elected Russia. The political party that represents it is a pragmatic alliance polipartidista including links with different sectors and a common program of action. The continuity of the project is not at risk because historical rupture is evident, there is no room for remora the old regime. Putin Russia has shielded against disaster.

Mexican modernity, as mentioned earlier, is salinista, axolotesca mousetrap. Arturo Rueda recalled that Puebla, and Mexico, lives a difficult step in that transition. CSG remember to hell the reasons for their failure, camachista vision of change without rupture. Salinas failed because it did not eliminate the PRI nomenklatura who then accused of the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio, not controlled drug crime and corruption; On the contrary, privatization and destruction of the welfare state resulted in the enrichment of the salinista clique and sybaritic technocrat club after disowned him.

Between Putin and Salinas, the project morenovallista increasingly looks more like the latter and the successor candidate behaves like Colosio and Zedillo (also a militant PRI). The main problem of authoritarian modernity in Puebla is meaningless. The marinista and melquiadista nomenklatura enjoys full security and is inserted capriciously in government. Social indicators in Puebla are frightening. The level of impunity, corruption and femicide; alarming. Inefficiency and privilege of officials; demeaning. The stellar six-year project called City or City Audi Model focuses its benefits to Tlaxcala. Megaprojects were unable to generate an environmental governance and, on the other hand, generated an implosion of social movements that have unified the EZLN in 1994, as a large part of society against modernization. The only control is impossible police against a criminal police and prosecutorial agencies accomplices. Puebla is modern like Veracruz.

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