Donald Trump's Useless Policy on the Mexican Question
By Diego Velazquez
Russell Kirk, the singular representative of conservative thought in North America, employed some ideas of Jose Ortega y Gasset to evidence the continued decline in the United States. In his apocalyptic scheme he pointed to issues such as multiculturalism, technocracy, consumer society, drug addiction, rudeness, mass media and politics. All these conditions inhibited the value of tradition, history, and morality in American post-industrial society.
Donald Trump's message to the Legislative Branch of his country confirms Russell Kirk's scenario. The US president will not be able to perform any of the actions he promised because he lacks willpower, intelligence and morale. As in the case of Mexican President Vicente Fox, that of Trump, it will be a government of words, threats, inconsistencies and contradictions. The first national government of alternation in Mexico succumbed to the frivolity of power. Carlos Fuentes explains in "La silla del Águila" how the project of a perfect Christian society was transformed. It seems that Donald Trump will soon follow the same course as his friend Vicente Fox.
The "Hispanic Challenge" that Samuel Huntington posed as an aggression against the Anglo-Saxon civilizations order actually means the problem of drug trafficking into the United States. At this point, the US government seems powerless to address the situation. Drug trafficking triggers problems such as informality, no institutionalization, power gaps, exploitation, violent elites, and the full range of health pathologies that are uncontrollably advancing in the American union.
Globalization will continue its path with the runaway force that distinguishes it until now. Mexican technocrats, financiers and drug traffickers can begin to calm down, Donald Trump fails to carry out the projects he promised. The speeches and tweets will continue to be bizarre to evidence the bad manners, arrogance and xenophobia; nothing else. WASP social support will be a constant throughout the US administration; However, financial-military institutions and elites are not willing to give a rudder to correct the historical course of the United States and Western civilization.
Jose Ortega y Gasset, as well as the critical theory frankfurtiana, exposed the massification danger of the consumer society. The United States is the best example of this and therein lies the true risk to Western civilization. Probably the hegemonic leadership of the world corresponds to the countries that decided to modernize but not westernized. The risk to humanity lies in the tyranny that economic materialism demands.
By Diego Velazquez
Russell Kirk, the singular representative of conservative thought in North America, employed some ideas of Jose Ortega y Gasset to evidence the continued decline in the United States. In his apocalyptic scheme he pointed to issues such as multiculturalism, technocracy, consumer society, drug addiction, rudeness, mass media and politics. All these conditions inhibited the value of tradition, history, and morality in American post-industrial society.
Donald Trump's message to the Legislative Branch of his country confirms Russell Kirk's scenario. The US president will not be able to perform any of the actions he promised because he lacks willpower, intelligence and morale. As in the case of Mexican President Vicente Fox, that of Trump, it will be a government of words, threats, inconsistencies and contradictions. The first national government of alternation in Mexico succumbed to the frivolity of power. Carlos Fuentes explains in "La silla del Águila" how the project of a perfect Christian society was transformed. It seems that Donald Trump will soon follow the same course as his friend Vicente Fox.
The "Hispanic Challenge" that Samuel Huntington posed as an aggression against the Anglo-Saxon civilizations order actually means the problem of drug trafficking into the United States. At this point, the US government seems powerless to address the situation. Drug trafficking triggers problems such as informality, no institutionalization, power gaps, exploitation, violent elites, and the full range of health pathologies that are uncontrollably advancing in the American union.
The American president was right when he mentioned that the members of the Mexican political class were scoundrels. They have done it again. The United States is in a process of Mexicanization and Donald Trump has decided to stop when he understands the magnitude of the problem that, after administration, has allowed to grow.
Russell Kirk, as well as Niall Ferguson, exposes that North America, in comparison with Great Britain, is incapable of overcoming a civilization crisis. The fickle role of the Donald Trump administration has generated quite a few ups and downs in the government project that had originally been raised. The breakdown of the dominant group, the lack of communication between different levels of public administration, the empowerment of adverse foreign governments, the ambiguity of actions and the lack of military support have shown the solitude of the American president.Globalization will continue its path with the runaway force that distinguishes it until now. Mexican technocrats, financiers and drug traffickers can begin to calm down, Donald Trump fails to carry out the projects he promised. The speeches and tweets will continue to be bizarre to evidence the bad manners, arrogance and xenophobia; nothing else. WASP social support will be a constant throughout the US administration; However, financial-military institutions and elites are not willing to give a rudder to correct the historical course of the United States and Western civilization.
Jose Ortega y Gasset, as well as the critical theory frankfurtiana, exposed the massification danger of the consumer society. The United States is the best example of this and therein lies the true risk to Western civilization. Probably the hegemonic leadership of the world corresponds to the countries that decided to modernize but not westernized. The risk to humanity lies in the tyranny that economic materialism demands.