Moreno; but with a free soul
By Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero
2018 will be a caste war. It is not the first nor the last occasion that this happens in a country like Mexico. Miscegenation is a myth that seeks to hide our differences; although these have always been there, distinguishing the country from each one. The polarization that has generated the injustice of the economic structure is shown in the evidence of INEGI regarding the racism that persists in the national culture. The castes of the colonial era are still there for the pride of the Creoles and resentment of others. The dark face has been the most discredited everywhere. The Virgin of Guadalupe is tanned skin; but the owners of the country are white. The morenos die in torrents due to the economic lack, violence, poverty and exclusion caused by white masters. It would be interesting to ask David Páramo in the opposite direction. What is the ratio of whites to morenos in terms of deaths by the Mexican Failed State?
Leo Zuckerman wrote a severe criticism of the comments made by Andrés Manuel López Obrador against the technocrats and the Creole -and now Lebanese- bourgeoisie that usurp the economic power in this country. Zuckerman claims to be an Eric Zemmour region four. However, Mexico is not France and the dark ones are not Muslim immigrants. The dark ones are in our country, in our land, with our cosmovision and syncretism. The terrorists are the Catholic catacomb gachupines who control the high clergy in Mexico and -they do- waste no time in conspiring against the Mexican homeland and putting themselves at the service of the Holy See or any other foreign bidder.
The attacks that society has received with brown skin -Mexicans mestizos-; those are serious. They go beyond the shame that Zuckerman points out and defend people like David Páramo. Germany has assumed its condemnation for the Nazism that inspired its behavior in the first half of the 20th century. When will a similar phenomenon occur with the Spanish Monarchy and the Holy See? Quite the opposite. The ideas of characters such as the infamous communicator José Antonio Sánchez show us the medioeval character of hispanism, its values, its schools even if they are private, they are certified as modern and they teach technocracy; they do not instruct them that the world has already changed, that's why only Mirreyes come out who, even with the disguise of neoliberals, are really technodinos. In the same sense, the Vatican State represents the most retrograde institution as far as modern thought is concerned.
The armies of General Francisco Villa and Emiliano Zapata, in their time of revolutionary splendor, expelled, murdered and raped hundreds of Spaniards in Mexico. Some of their actions claimed the massacre of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas that inspired in a decisive way the Mexican emancipation of the Spanish yoke. What's missing, Villa and Zapata! How urgent is the consciousness of Mexico's independence, once again, at the cry of Cura Miguel Hidalgo!
The workers of the organizations dedicated to the crime of drug trafficking are people with mostly dark skin. The brown people have been sacrificed with abundance in the name of a business that enriches a government and Creole oligarchy that have no reservations in controlling the transfer of drugs in the continent. They are specialists in never showing their faces, in hiding and turning things around, in committing self-attacks, they are doctors of cowardice. Fighting manly, as it has been demanded even Mario Bergoglio, is a disability of his character. The experts in dividing society, in separating families, are intransigent integral Catholics. Tartufos that always act under the tutelage of the conspiratorial skirt. Their companies are responsible for creating a narcoculture for the masses; but none of his descendants has the courage to truly become a Capo at the head of a criminal or military group commanding soldiers. The Creoles live by getting mestizos-natives in uniform to kill mestizos-Indians without uniforms; this practice was established since his arrival.
General Francisco Villa's common sense led him to consider that Spaniards could never love Mexico. For that reason he expelled them from the northwest of the country while he could and confiscated their properties, factories, haciendas and capitals to support those who had been squeezed, mistreated and raped by them. There are the testimonies of Salvador Novo and Salvador Abascal or, at least, Carlos Alvear Acevedo to confirm it. The generals Emiliano Zapata and Lázaro Cárdenas will continue this action expropriating thousands of Gachupinas haciendas and motivating the formation of agrarian battalions that would defend the morenos and the ejido lands.
Once again, the PRI has turned its back on the trajectory of the Mexican revolution that General Plutarco Elías Calles condensed when he introduced revolutionary nationalism in the country. The reactionary unity for the PRI has already been agreed with the PAN. Now the PRI has a legionary-synarchist candidate as at the time they were Miguel de la Madrid and Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. Yunques and pseudonazis with whom Zuckerman should be more concerned to coincide.
It is necessary to reflect on the fear that represents the loss of a certain order. What order is it feared to lose in the country? Eric Zemmour blames the neoliberals for the suicide that lives in France. Does not the same thing happen in Mexico? López Obrador maintains a deep erosion due to the contradictory image between love and hate that he represents. It happens that his personality escapes the aristocratic hypocrisy that substitutes frankness for delicate manners. It is preferable to oppose the traitorous vocation of Creole elites that do not end up defining their affection for the people and the land where we are. Of course, it is urgent to be critically aware in order to see how the disaster that corrupt neoliberals have made will deepen and the indignant - although coarse - verb is more useful to rebuild the homeland. Mexico is already in ruins and Zuckerman does not want to see it. López Obrador is far from being a Zapata or Villa; but that does not mean that some characters -like those warlords-, in fact, are already in the fight against the Post-Porfirian Army.
Who has caused the disorder and anarchy in this country? Who has caused the foreign intervention? Who are the leaders of the pederasty and white slave that controlled Mario Marín? Does not Leo Zuckerman know the work of Salvador Borrego? With everything and its technocratic whiteness Itamita, Think Zuckerman that is in the creole elite of Mexico? So, are brown men more dangerous than gachupines? There is the INEGI survey that describes the color, inequality and contrast of Mexican clevages.
The outcasts who abjured their origin remain as servants and lackeys of a social structure that in no way remedies the crisis of the country; there they do if they consider servility to be a solution. Slavery does not take away the place of birth, skin color or religion; These elements only disappear when a nation becomes modern, when the Reformation-Revolution becomes a real historical break with the Catholic Hispanic Baroque.