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Donald Trump: Mario Bergoglio´s Ronald Reagan?

Donald Trump: Mario Bergoglio's Ronald Reagan?

August 11, 2020 
Diego Martin Velázquez Caballero 

In the last two thousand years the role of Christianity was central to the configuration of Europe, however, it was also constituted as an arrogant and excessive empire that built a counterproductive narrative to the doctrine it claims to represent. The historical Christ was not Christian, European, did not speak Latin and was not white. Neither did he claim political-religious unity nor was he interested in geopolitics. The Catholic Church contributed to the creation of the West and Europe, doing the opposite according to the gospels. However, the Catholic Church is one of the bastions of what has come to be called Christianity and which, for some, is the essence of the West. 

Although the Catholic Church is thought to be a solid and coherent monolith, the truth is that it resembles a fragmented rainbow, sometimes on the verge of breaking. Those fractures served to develop some of the Protestant nations that built the model of the Nation State and Western modernity in Europe. The Civil War within the Catholic Church has always existed, for some, this conflict is the characteristic of a living religion, for others, it is a sign of the decline, lies and exhaustion of Christianity. 

During the 19th century, radical Catholicism saw a total reduction in its influence and hegemony. The rebellion of the masses was cause and effect, for the Holy See to regain its hegemony and, even, expand its power thanks to the alliance with the United States of America. Neither France, Italy, Germany, Spain or Portugal were as good allies as the American Union. Karol Wojtyla contributed to creating the world order that Catholic nationalists accuse so much now, however, he obtained important spaces for Catholicism in broad geographical, economic, political and cultural spheres. From the outset, in Eastern Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, Africa and Latin America, its hegemony is undeniable. Bergoglio was one of Wojtyla's structuring agents for the consolidation of the rights in the southern cone of Latin America, precisely with that bellicose Catholicism that promoted the Falklands War and made Argentina a more than representative bastion of Catholic nationalism. 

The war conflict between Argentina and England was extra-logical in a context such as that of the Cold War, but it allowed the rights on the continent to legitimize itself and Catholic nationalism to find martyrs to justify its rhetoric. Argentina, Brazil and Chile have a significant military arsenal to intervene in any Latin American nation if the United States decides to abandon the colonies it has, and the Latin American governments abandoned, but finally free and progressive - in a bizarre and parallel world - have the courage to make alliances with geopolitical Islam or mainland China. This would serve for the political groups of the religious right to prevail in their countries and seek stability in the space of Latin America that they consider their own. This way of supporting the suicidal military action of the Argentine dictatorship legitimized Catholic nationalism and the Holy See that, tacitly, promoted the conflict and irritated the Anglo-Saxon culture to make presence of the intransigent integral Catholicism that not only maintained a low-intensity anti-communist war rather, he even dared to shoot himself with the English Metropolis. The war, small or tragic, was a baptism of fire for Argentines and introduced them to the club of armed countries that develop a certain capacity to conflict for historical causes that the Catholic right considers legitimate. The United States reserved partial neutrality and allowed Argentine military actions to evolve on their own. The facts speak for themselves, the Falklands War was not a fantasy. The conservatives will always be ready to destroy the temple and then raise it in three days, they will always be the alarm bells to create a new enemy - real or imagined - that seeks to end Christianity and the West.

The question now arises regarding the ability of Mario Bergoglio to go beyond what Karol Wojtyla did, since North American Catholics have broad support for Trump and thus pressure so that in the North American political process, the Catholic Church supports re-election of the Republican Party. The North American elections represent a momentous moment for conservatives in the West, particularly for religious rights, in the case of intransigent integral Catholicism. Bergoglio is a Bishop who knows how to set in motion the aggressiveness of intransigent integral Catholic groups, although traditional groups judge him as slow and permissive towards progressives, at heart, Bergoglio is more political than Ratzinger.

The pandemic is the ideal time for Catholic nationalism. Now, with more reason and evidence, they can blame progressivism, modernity and multiculturalism, for the evils that humanity now has. The southern cone and its military capabilities may be the starting point for the conflicts that Catholic nationalism imagines when 5G China hits the board of the New World Order.

For Catholic nationalism, Bergoglio must act as he did in the Argentine conflict against the English. The Holy See recovered in Latin America the territories lost in Europe and, although Argentina, Brazil and Chile are not Catholic military bases, they constitute epicenters of Catholic nationalism that develop social magnitudes and chains of events to destabilize any social order that is counterproductive to their interests. The Cristero War in Mexico is an example of the interventionism and manipulation that can be done to stop the social and anticlerical projects of a government.

Now, America's religious right needs the support of the Catholic Church in its constituency and, perhaps, in control of the world. President Donald Trump, like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Reagan, requires this help. Once again, the Golden International and the Black International are going to come together to contain the progressives, socialists, enlightened and other religious-racial groups.

In the western crusade, Donald Trump will be the Ronald Reagan of the Catholic hierarchs, the new Brzezinski can influence the Catholic ayatollahs to go against the New World Order. Even when the pandemics have generated that the powers are delimited to their immediate surroundings, no space is left without control and that alliance between the Catholic Church and the Republican Party will have significant consequences in the countries subordinate to these hegemonies.

In Mexico, for example, the 4T has been locked up between the Guadalupano snitching pricommunists and the ultra-conservative evangelicals and Catholics who, with everything that FRENA says or the social movements do, have gained spaces in the current government bureaucracy. If Catholics have something, in the words of Lucas Alamán, it is chambismo, emploomania, which not only implies belonging to the most unproductive and parasitic class in the world but also subjecting the institutions to the interests of the Bishops. Will they end up supporting Morena, if AMLO is also interested in the reelection of Donald Trump? Morena, like the PRI, PAN and PRD, has generated a pragmatism that links the most antagonistic tendencies and factions to generate a zero point where the decisions remain with the Catholic leaders and the heads of government. The extreme right that is within Morena is preparing to promote AMLO if the Roman Clergy asks them, or to destabilize the government if MORENA promotes policies that affect the traditional interests of Catholicism. AMLO, like FOX and CALDERÓN, suffers from the impotence generated by the clericalism of catacombs.

The immobility caused by the lack of definition of the North American elections begins to be clarified, the Catholic Church will pragmatically support Donald Trump according to the measure of its interests. But he can still agree with Joe Biden, in the same way that he has achieved a concordat with China. Which does not hurt against the advance of other religions such as Islam and postmodern and multi-religious society.

The threat of Covid generated a radical change in social structures, the Big Brother dystopia has become a reality and everyone will be locked in the computer. After 9/11, mobility was the goal of terrorists and powers, finally, human beings will be localized, separated and distinguished. The case of sports bubbles in Florida is the prelude to a significant form of the New World Order.

For the North American Religious Right, there is the consideration that only Trump can effectively confront the Chinese or, at least, scare them away adequately. If China succeeds in the face of the New World Order, it will have the possibility of extending its hegemony in other latitudes, as is the case of Latin America and starting a cultural-political-social-economic influence that would be overwhelming due to the racial and linguistic proximity with the groups. indigenous and mestizos in Latin American countries and in the southern United States. This without considering the Chinese immigration that has been strong, constant and hidden (The experience of Tepito, Sinaloa, Chiapas and Yucatán are important advances in the Chinese recognition of the racial, syncretistic and cultural condition that brings the Mexican case closer to its culture). China has made a concordat with the Catholic Church, but it is unlikely that it will survive if the pantheistic, animist, syncretistic, Buddhist, environmental and contemplative religions find a reference in the cultural variable of China. Queztalcóatl is a Chinese dragon.

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