Narcopolitics in the presidential succession
Diego Martin Velazquez Caballero
Around 1994, the power of criminal groups was glimpsed when one of the most considered hypotheses indicated that the death of Luis Donaldo Colosio corresponded to a drug-trafficking mafia embedded in the government. The successive assassinations put the country on its face, criminality was willing to generate all kinds of ungovernability. The country was on the verge of chaos, as Andrés Oppenheimer pointed out and continues to say. The situation of violence unleashed was the script for new novels and video games from the perspective of Tom Clancy.
In 1994, drug trafficking made a surprising presence to show that it was no longer anyone's violent force but rather a protagonist in the configuration of the Mexican political system. The situation in the country shows that various cartels have generalized the behavior of being endorsers of power. The mafias dedicated to the transfer and production of narcotics are at the level of the United States and the Catholic Church for what interventionism means against the different levels of public administration and the making of public policies.
It seems that these representative actors of different interest groups were synchronized to finish off Mexico. The regularization of growth, development, security, education and, at least, the goods that Abraham Maslow's configuration considers as minimum for the human being, cannot be structured without the informal consideration of these factual powers. The Mexican government is going through a war against powerful enemies, the State is besieged by a criminal imperialism that has canceled, forever, the possibility of Mexico consolidating itself.
The SEDENA and SEMAR, also infiltrated, barely carry out a significant job so that the country does not end up exploding.
The objective of imperialism is to influence the designation of the different presidential candidates and, if possible, to configure the elections to affect the party that is in possession of the federal public administration.
The United States and the Catholic Church will never grant a respectable place to Mexico, the Darwinism of international relations motivates our country to remain an island of domination. Hence the need for MORENA to rethink foreign policy with North America and digest imperialism that is geographically absolute. Nationalism is not only recovering the traditional and populist styles of the political form that Mexico has, but promoting intelligent measures to change the destiny that the powers that be intend to determine.