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Puebla: Is the alternation derailed?

 Puebla: Is the alternation derailed?

Diego Martin Velazquez Caballero

In some entities, factionalism predominates over projects and political parties, as it has been in the entity where the avilacamachista cacicazgo reverberates everywhere. And as happened with the General from Teziutlán, death abruptly decides the political destiny of the people of Puebla. Although it is considered that true democracy lies in the end of things, fatality is also a totalitarian condemnation that cannot be evaded in Puebla.

The disappearance of constitutional governor Miguel Barbosa creates a power vacuum that affects local elites and shows the wear and tear generated by the anger between the center and the periphery, between Puebla and the Federation. Although the provostship of Maximino Ávila Camacho served to condense a rocky hegemony of the groups that supported his rule, the disappearance of the personalist leader generated a negotiation model and volatile loyalties that put Puebla into a facade governance. Rafael Moreno Valle surpassed avilacamachismo and tried to generate a platform from the local level to achieve the power of the republic, the fall of his person demonstrates the scope and cost of the provincial and oligarchic Grupo Puebla.

In Puebla, the struggle between the local PRI and the DF PRI continues to set the pace for power. The avilacamachista muégano is very strong, but always vulnerable due to his lack of project, loyalty and characters. Rural and traditional caciquismo cannot be the eternal mark of Puebla, such has been the message of the center for several years and of the incipient urban progressive middle classes, but the muégano from Puebla does not give in, it does everything necessary to maintain the conservatism and not move anything, not an iota of modernity or change. Although involved in the left-wing Morenista militancy, Barbosa did not always support the policies of the federal government and he confronted the progressive militancy of his own party, even coinciding more with the opposition groups to AMLO and close to Catholic nationalism. Empathy does not lie, nor do portfolios in public administration.

The succession in Puebla was imagined in a prospective similar to the capital of the entity, that is, a morenista government of reduced effectiveness that generated a political realignment in executive control. Although if you look closer, it seemed more like a plan with all the skill in the world. They even came to think: "Barbosa will not appoint a governor, but he will negotiate the best positions for his group", that is, the muégano from Puebla, the local PRI.

The vicissitudes of his disappearance left the Puebla elites of Puebla orphaned. Will they have Plan B, C, D or n? Will the Puebla Group be subject to the influence of the presidency of the republic, the demonized AMLO? Does the PRI of the DF have a free field, that is, Nacho Mier? The powerful Morenovallismo was extinguished in a triste, so it will happen with barbosismo, so it happens with the personalist factions in life when they have not been able to make parties, projects and, above all, political citizenship. Governments pass and Puebla continues to be one of the poorest and most marginalized entities in the country, the indolence of the elites is worse than that of Pedro Páramo.

The labyrinth of the population depends on the will-o'-the-wisp and the poetry of crime.

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