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Donald Trump: Unity against divisive progressivism?

Donald Trump: Unity against divisive progressivism?
Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero 

Donald Trump: unity against divisive progressivism

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

Diplomat Francisco Cruz González, contributor to the magazine Siempre, refers to the risk of secession that threatens various political systems due to the development of the neoliberal economy and the social polarization generated. He alludes to the work of Peter Turchin to predict the conflicts between nationalist and globalist elites that are putting nation-states and the set of civilizations at risk, internally, as well as in international coexistence.

Turchin has formalized the discipline of dynamic Clio to glimpse the scenarios that megatrends configure in human cycles. From his perspective, not only has humanity been prevented from leaving the 20th century as Samuel Huntington claimed; it is likely that the Balkan wars will move to other scenarios. One of the most significant is the United States of America.

Turchin argues that North America is facing a civil war due to the loss of state control over the oligarchies and the affluence they have developed. The national reconciliation promised by Joe Biden's administration has not even begun and the ideology of his political party has deepened historical cleavages with accelerations that generate anomie and collective loss of control. Reconciliation is economic or, simply, represents a deception: love is paid with love, as they say in Mexican.

The impoverishment of Deep America and its loss in the face of the policies of the Democrats, causes the social awareness of the WASP population sector to confront the plutocracy as happened in the Assault on the Capitol during 2021. The Timothy McVeighs have felt excluded from the Democratic economy and the management of the country; the government's withdrawal makes their reactions understandable. Donald Trump seems closer to the New Deal than Kamala Harris and therefore has multiple supporters who will not accept an adverse result in the next presidential elections. The event at the Capitol was nothing more than a message to the oligarchy from the American people, the social revolution that can provoke civil war according to Peter Turchin's perspective.

Mexico represents an axial question in the American electoral political debate. On the one hand, it represents the failure of the government administration to grow the economy and benefit the American working class; on the other hand, it is a necessary social subsidy in the American productive structure. Donald Trump states that it is necessary to order and prioritize things appropriately for the United States. Probably, Mexico is experiencing that low-intensity war that Turchin speaks of.

Although Trump is not the ideal ruler in Francisco Cruz's scheme, according to Peter Turchin he represents the conservative revolutionary who can inhibit and avert the American civil war. Alain de Benoist considered that the conservative of the future was above the right and the left; probably that is what Donald Trump represents.


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