The future dictator of the mexican right June 29, 2017 Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero Luis Ernesto Derbez summoned, a few months ago, a Civic Patriotic Alliance that will lead the pragmatic alliance PRIANRD polyprodistant to confront MORENA. In these days, Ricardo Anaya and Alejandra Barrales have given way to the Frente Amplio Oppositor that will invite various tendencies, currents and political cliques and that, most likely, will have as one of the strongest candidates to Rafael Moreno Valle. The historical comparison of this situation with the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera is irresistible. Even in the name there is little originality, the dictator's unique party was called Patriotic Unity. A few Panistas are pleased that Soledad Loaeza indicates to them that their party is developed from hispanic authoritarian projects; but, it is that, the...