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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

The future dictator of the mexican right

The future dictator of the mexican right June 29, 2017 Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero Luis Ernesto Derbez summoned, a few months ago, a Civic Patriotic Alliance that will lead the pragmatic alliance PRIANRD polyprodistant to confront MORENA. In these days, Ricardo Anaya and Alejandra Barrales have given way to the Frente Amplio Oppositor that will invite various tendencies, currents and political cliques and that, most likely, will have as one of the strongest candidates to Rafael Moreno Valle. The historical comparison of this situation with the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera is irresistible. Even in the name there is little originality, the dictator's unique party was called Patriotic Unity. A few Panistas are pleased that Soledad Loaeza indicates to them that their party is developed from hispanic authoritarian projects; but, it is that, the...

Smart City: The Gentrification of Puebla

Smart City: The Gentrification of Puebla June 25, 2017 By Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero The neoliberal technocracy has long established a less political and more administrative style of government. The new public management is shaped by changing some functions of the traditional system in the public sector and establishing within it the elements of the market. That is, to use management, instead of the public allocation of resources; Privatization, rather than public bodies; Incentive schemes of competitiveness, rather than distribution of taxes; Liberalization, rather than regulation; And neoclassical economics, rather than the humanist. This mutation is due to the replacement of bureaucratic processes by market ordering. Customer orientation, quality, privatization, trade and competition are the economic solutions imposed on political problems. The art of government is so...

Obrador no ganará si va contra una alianza junio 15 2017 REGIONAL NEWSWEEK DIRECTORIO USUARIO INICIO NOTICIAS MUNICIPIOS DEPORTES DINERO OPINIÓN DIVERSIÓN VIDA TECNOLOGÍA Inicio Noticias Municipios Deportes Dinero Opinión Diversión Vida Tecnología Usted está aquí Inicio  » Obrador no ganará si va contra una alianza Universitarios Obrador no ganará si va contra una alianza Eloisa Landero  Jun 14, 2017 Puebla, Pue, Si López Obrador se queda solo difícilmente podrá combatir a este pragmatismo, a este grupo poligárquico que está en el PRIANRD y que son también conservadores, pero mientras AMLO es un conservador revolucionario, los otros son conservadores hispanistas, criollistas, enfatizó el politólogo Diego Caballero en el marco del foro “¿Es posible la unidad de las izquierdas en Puebla para las elecciones de 2018?” realizado en la Escuela de Derecho de la Benemérita Universidad Au...
FORO FDCS BUAP Las Izquierdas Unidas  Junio 2017 Periódico Central Líderes estatales de MORENA, PT y MC desaíran Foro de Izquierdas en la BUAP - Foto: Especial Gabriel Biestro Medinilla de MORENA, José Ángel Pérez García de MC y Zeferino Martínez Rodríguez del PT no se presentaron al foro realizado este miércoles pues al evento solo acudió la dirigente estatal del PRD, Socorro Quezada Tiempo  Por Jesús Viñas / @jess15710 / 14.06.2017 /  Puebla, Puebla. A pesar de estar invitados, los líderes estatales de Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (MORENA), Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) y del Partido del Trabajo (PT); desairaron el Foro de Izquierdas "¿Es posible la unidad de las izquierdas en Puebla para las elecciones del 2018?", que se llevó a cabo este miércoles en la Facultad de Derecho de la BUAP. Gabriel Bies...
Mexico towards the fracture. INE: The eternal electoral fraud By Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero The elections last weekend are evidence of the setback that the Mexican electoral system has suffered. Suddenly, Mexicans have observed that the path of elections for democratic consolidation has been canceled. The results of the election day in the State of Mexico, Coahuila, Veracruz and Nayarit, distorted the popular will and show how the electoral bureaucracy is at the service of the highest bidder. The credibility lost in 2006 makes any attempt at modernization insufficient. Elections in Mexico can generate alternations, but they do not generate democracy. The electoral institutions no longer give for more. It hurts to see the "Electoral Officials" defending the systematization of the process and the numerary statistics. What is the meaning of quantitative methods and mathematical formulas in a context that spreads abuse, violence and corruption everywhere? The obses...