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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Manuel Buendía and the American Challenge

 Manuel Buendía and the American Challenge Diego Martin Velazquez Caballero During these dates, the criminal act that took the life of one of the most important columnists of contemporary times in our country is bitterly remembered. Little has changed in the situation of Mexican journalists since then. Throughout these years, various reports and analyzes have shown the triangle of the United States, Authoritarianism and Drug Trafficking as the trigger for the violence that has marked our country to the point of configuring it as a Narco Republic oriented towards a Failed State. The Mexican dictatorship lost control of the country when the Cold War ended and became involved in a labyrinth of criminality that US hegemony claims. Mexico has a deep parochial and subject political culture, but North America defines the limits of growth, development and democracy for our country. The analysis that cost Manuel Buendía his life evidenced the clues that over time have shown the United State...

The defeat of Bartlismo in Puebla

The defeat of Bartlismo in Puebla Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero Political transfugismo has undermined the structure of political parties to promote factionalism and cliques as protagonists of the dispute for power. In Puebla, this phenomenon has characterized the electoral alternations and realignments from the Auxiliary Boards to the Executive Power. Factionalism was regularized by the existence of the Official Party (PRI), as soon as its institutionalization and cohesion weakened, personalisms resurfaced and began to recover their influence and hegemony to the detriment not only of the State Party but of government and social institutions. Avilacamachismo has become one of the preponderant factionalisms in the entity, it is configured as a cacicazgo but it is also a social muégano that involves people, communities, intermediate bodies, educational and religious systems as well as public entities. During PRIATO's trajectory, presidents Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez, Luis Echeverría and ...

The dark shadow of López Obrador in Puebla II

 The dark shadow of López Obrador in Puebla II Diego Martin Velazquez Caballero The local press has carried out interesting analyzes regarding the signs left by the visit of President López Obrador during the parade of last Cinco de Mayo. Despite how debatable the ideas of proximity and estrangement between Barbosa and AMLO sound, the truth is that there is little disposition of lopezobradorismo towards the entity. The type of relationship that prevails between Miguel Barbosa and the president of the republic means that the avilacamachista structures remain immovable. Just as the social base of Gilberto Bosques Saldivar had to go into exile and suffer avilacamachismo, the Pueblan left -if such a complex tribalism can be called that- does not appear in the political spectrum of the entity. López Obrador maintains the Pact of Honor and Justice that continues to make Puebla an island of the old regime. General Lázaro Cárdenas allowed the avilacamachista provost in the face of terrible...

The electoral reform in México. Will Win?

 The electoral reform in Mexico. Will Win? Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero  The proposal of the Fourth Transformation to renew the Mexican electoral system has ignited a singular debate to reconsider the democratic consolidation of the country. With everything and the polarization regarding the procedural and contentious sphere, the electoral institutions in Mexico have plunged into total disrepute. Organizations and courts that were configured as spaces to develop citizenship, legality and democratic political culture; they finally appeared like any other cacique corporatism space. The greatest seriousness corresponds to the onerous costs and the corruption of the legal-electoral structure in a society with so many deficiencies. Without wanting to admit it, the INE is one of the main institutions responsible for the Failed State, it negotiated to impose the worst rulers of all time. Despite the cacique interests in the electoral fields, this has not been an obstacle to the d...