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Trump and the pro-American right

Trump and the pro-American right

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero 

The campaign for the presidency of the United States reactivates different tendencies of Trumpist groups in Mexico.

Republican Mexico, Eduardo Verástegui and a minimal PAN faction - separately - begin activism that seeks to generate sympathies towards the accused former North American president.

The meaning that the radical right takes on in our country depends on the future that Trumpism develops in North America.

The prospect of restoring integral and intransigent conservatism in Rome influences the former collaborators of North American anti-communism to recover lost islands of power in the face of populist progressivism.

The power of Marcial Maciel's followers, former phil-Nazi groups from Guadalajara and various national oligarchs, are eagerly awaiting the triumph of Donald Trump to regain power in the Vatican and position themselves in the power structure in Mexico.

The radical right in Mexico has not been shaped by the marginalization that the Hispanic right makes of the pro-US right.

However, once the PAN has been torn apart by adverse electoral results and ideological confusion, the space of the radical right appears as an ontological necessity in the country's partisan spectrum.

The idea that the opposition is non-existent after the electoral tsunami of 35 million votes only leaves room for radical and extremist movements.

Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency of the United States will also be an invitation to critics of the Fourth Transformation and, especially, to the enemies of left-wing progressivism.

Given that conservatism has a wide range of influence in national political culture, including Morena comprising various right-wing groups collaborating in its humanist coalition, now the possibility of a far-right party - even in satellite status - is not only an option alternative electoral, but it can also contribute to dissolving North American pressure.

Movimiento Viva México, México Republicano, Nueva Derecha Hispanoamericana, VOX, etc., represent the facades of probable electoral institutes that intend to join the crest of the conservative wave that is beginning to gain strength in Europe and North America.

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