Donald Trump's Political Class
Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero
Cowboys, engineers and warriors are considered the paradigms of American empiricism according to George Friedman; this is how the characters that Donald Trump has called to integrate into his presidential administration can be classified. Of course, it is difficult to describe the approximately twenty thousand subjects that Trumpism is including to mobilize the governmental elephant; in addition, it is also important to consider the groups of Christian nationalism that play a preponderant role in resuming the MAGA-Heritage agenda in 2028 and being the replacement of the silent WASP majority that has positioned itself as the compass of the Republican electorate.
Just as in Mexico the technocratic-neoliberal group has been displaced by the popular nationalist current, in the United States Trumpism has been identified with the nationalist and hegemonic perspectives that seek the regeneration of American ideals in the face of woke cosmopolitan positions. A precedent must be considered in order to determine the new Trumpism. Unlike the PAN government of Vicente Fox, where the first-rate bureaucratic group was recruited by the Head Hunters under the business imaginary, the success of the North American plutocrats who sit next to Trumpism is based on the evident and unquestionable productive dynamics of their companies inside and outside the United States.
The conservative populism of the Republican Messiah cannot bear the American Union only with the legitimacy of the WASPs; it will soon have to turn to new and different leaderships that enrich the MAGA project outside of race and religion. Trumpism is a manifestation of the North American identity; it represents the necessary balance and internal control in the face of a modernity and globalization that were fracturing the United States. The American imperial decline is undeniable; although, it is also true that the continuity of the Democrats in the government would have contributed to the acceleration of the fall.
Donald Trump is portrayed as the new Ronald Reagan; Of course, with greater deviations and risks. However, the Trumpist elite confronts the woke cosmopolitan circle of the Democratic Party, thus persisting in the social fracture of the United States that does not close and, even, may end up expanding and generating a problem of ungovernability. The ghost of secession and the nine or eleven internal North American nations appear as terror and not just a problem.
The search for solutions by Trumpism; for now, only moves in the idea of exclusion and the closing of the North American borders. Added to the above, it also seems that the Trumpists are forcing the neoliberal Democratic elites into exile. Donald Trump has triumphed with the nationalist topic; but, now, he also needs a reconciliation strategy like the one that Joe Biden could not implement.
Republicanism is represented as a force that tries to control the centrifugal tendencies of the liberal Democrats. Attempts to unite North America and attack the risks that endanger Americans involve decapitating the neoliberal and globalizing ideal as well as strengthening the ideal of North American security, making nationalism a banner that calls upon the majority of society.