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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2015

¿Corruption or dispersion? Device poverty in Mexico

¿Corruption or dispersion? Device poverty in Mexico Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero The results on the social question in the country incite debate on development and backwardness. Poverty is advancing rapidly and implementers of public policies are lost in finding the formula that, at least, can effectively raise the issue. Governments of all levels of government consider making it necessary to carry out social policy. And, if observed regularly, federal, state and municipal structures are there, seem to do their job. There are multitude of welfare programs for almost anyone. What's wrong then? Lately it has begun to reinterpret the concept of overlay dispersion and poverty. This has served to justify the failures of government handouts to point out that communities in extreme poverty resulting from its remote and distant from urban centers or municipal capitals location. This, to say the bureaucracy responsible conditions access to programs and services provided by publ...

My vote goes to Donald Trump

My vote goes to Donald Trump Diego Velázquez And now, how silenced the xenophobic Americans in their views of Mexico ?, in what way reject indeed the arguments of intellectuals like Samuel P. Huntington to observe the mexicanidad? In geopolitics class I tried to persuade my students about the dark neighborhood that keeps Mexico to the north and how historically this has hurt us. The ghost of Joel Robert Poinsett appeared with all the trappings of conspiracies that have filled the embassy of the United States, at least until the time of John Gavin. The intelligent student said contrary to this idea and said something like this: do not need to send EU ambassadors as Poinsett, if Mexico has presidents as Peña Nieto. The answer provoked hilarity and, compared with relaxation that occurs in situations like that, I tried not contribute to the negative image of remembering the illustrious executive Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna -the course Poinsset ally - and counteract student opinion. How...

El poder de la Sotana. De la Cristiada hasta nuestros días El poder de la Sotana. De la Cristiada hasta nuestros días Alejandro C. Manjarrez Ed. Cruman. Puebla, México. 2014 Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero Recientemente en México se pudo comprobar el sentido opuesto de la sentencia lapidaria que se le atribuye al Gral. Porfirio Díaz acerca de la geografía fronteriza del norte del país. La visita, sin protocolo de por medio, que hace pocos meses realizó Benjamín Netanyahu a los Estados Unidos para manifestarse contra la política exterior norteamericana que ha decidido mutar sus apoyos en el Medio Oriente, deconstruyó la frase porfirista: ¡Pobre Israel! Tan cerca de Dios y tan lejos de los Estados Unidos. Si México e Israel pudieran intercambiar su ubicación, quizá las cosas mejorarían notablemente para ambos países. El intervencionismo norteamericano es una constante global cuyos beneficios y maleficios son, la m...


Exorcisms A few days, in San Luis Potosi, a meeting of Mexican bishops was held for a spell that rid the country of the Faustian influences ago. In reality, given the conditions that keep the scruples of high national Catholic hierarchy, it is likely that the process has resulted in reverse. The worship of money, prosperity and power that the more conservative side of the Mexican bishops consecrates, shows them as ambiguous and paradoxical, especially, contrary to the historical Christ. To spread the news of events as well, so contradictory, it is impossible not to feel admiration for the abandonment of Ratzinger, perhaps one of the most courageous Catholics of the century. The enormous gap between senior Mexican bishops and the Bishop of Rome, hierarch of the Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio, was demonstrated recently by the Laudato encyclical. About the order has criticized Pope Francisco until the end, the role of a priest who is about people, nature and separated from theolog...

Independent candidacies A Pandora's Box?

Independent candidacies A Pandora's Box? By Diego Velázquez The crisis of political parties is profoundly affecting the Mexican political system. The priato is regenerated in the absence of professional members on the left and right, and although it is true that the PRI is no longer the dominant party, the course of peñanietista government indicates that there is no crisis of governance that was supposed before July 7. The domesticated left and right collaborative inhibited any risk to the machinery of PRI control. Neither the PRD and the PAN have interrupted the course of one's actions of economic modernization in the country. On the contrary, they have been welcomed repression, persecution and disappearance of social movements that express their opposition to the current government. It has become so political subordination of these institutes to peñanietismo that, though not civil war that lives inside by 2018, the PRI has had the luxury of restoring the secret game of...