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¿Anti-Defamation League of Mexico or Mexican Committee Pro-invasion?
By Diego Velázquez

The theme of Hispanidad has been recurrent and of singular importance in the political agenda of the campaigns for the presidency of the United States. Donald Trump has lambasted Mexico from issues such as migration, drug trafficking, corruption and even war. His proposal to implement a border wall and the expulsion of Mexicans has shocked public opinion in both countries in the same proportion that increases the popularity of his presidential candidacy in the Republican Party.

Noam Chomsky has said that characters like Donald Trump arise when there is a decline and crisis, depression and social anomie, situations that persist in American society for decades. The end of the Cold War meant the end not only of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) but also the exhaustion of American leadership as a capitalist liberal democratic republic.

Since late last century, Samuel Huntington had expressed so now so vehemently supports the Tea Party GOP. The United States have an identity crisis that will affect all the West and most of humanity relies on the project of Modernity if he continues his march toward the cliff. Economic, intellectual, social, sports, family, moral and military capabilities of the United States has an unprecedented decline. The shock wave that caused collapse of the USSR also severely affected the United States.

Huntington believed that modernization exploited by other nations had generated an empowerment of non-Western societies begin to challenge the hegemony in the new multipolar world that presented itself. This has happened. The central states of non-Western civilizations took the modernizers elements to become serious competitors of American geopolitics. Huntington also considered that Mexican immigration, Hispanic challenge, posed a risk to reverse the Anglo decline. It's what Donald Trump has repeated strenuous way. What at one time it was a similar financial support for black slavery in centuries XVIII and XIX has now become an epidemic where the Latin invasion of North America is one of the strongest costs for the United States resurgence as a power. Some of the data contributed to understanding Huntington non-assimilation of Mexican immigrants have to do with the culture of poverty which is the main reason for Donald Trump to criticize Mexico:

The culture of illegality and informality
The violent attitude
The racism
The slothful and contemplative spirit

Huntington is afraid that Americans are guadalupanos. This goes beyond tacos and preference for bright colors. Not that the Mexicans are more dangerous than Al-Qaeda or Daesh simply the Mexican Republic is a monument to social anomie. So far that drug traffickers trying to use terrorism as technology begins to consider them dangerous. However, nothing worth taking seriously. Even though there are links between Muslim terrorists and Mexican drug traffickers, there is more risk for Islamic militants for Americans.

Widespread corruption, impunity and lack of education of a people as the Mexican has generated the rule of informality phenomenon means with euphemisms like World of Life, Social Capital, Folklore, Culture, Mexicanidad; but whose characteristic constitutes a huge risk to the western and modern thought. To tell Huntington, anti-Western civilizations redefine the Anglo-Saxon identity, including reaffirmed. However, the Mexican-Latin American is an enigma that confuses and upsets. Mexicanidad is the most hedonistic way for desmodernidad and civilizational schizophrenia. The decline of Western civilization can be accelerated if the hispanización of America continues.

Donald Trump is undoubtedly the best censor who has had the political project of PRIANRD. It is not wrong. Political and economic elites of Mexico have been conducted with a breathtaking irresponsibility and cynicism. What otherwise would behave Mexican migrants in the United States if they are the scum of capitalism friends? Our society continues to appreciate them how much they remember and the money they send. However, they played the patrimonialista and kiriárquica culture because they are only scheduled for that.

Claudio Lomnitz has proposed the formation of a Mexican Anti-Defamation League as have members of the Jewish community in several countries. However, the proposal is not equal. An immoral joke claims that Adolf Hitler killed millions of Jews because he did not know the Mexicans. And sometimes, the immorality of the claim becomes ironic, almost a bitter truth. Samuel Huntington compares Cuban immigration with Mexican tacitly says that ideally transform hispanización model "Los Angeles" by the model "Miami". The difference between Cubans and Mexicans is that the Cubans break with their country and political and social regime, achieve respectable levels of education and assimilate into American society. Mexicans, however, although his government expelled due to misery and patrimonialismo that produces kiriárquica domination, have a deep masochistic or estocólmico complex. It is very Mexican love who hurts us. Kiriárquicamente, who sodomized we worship. In Huntington's perspective, if Mexicans try to assimilate into Western modernity, they would have to do what the Cubans in Miami. Rather than create an Anti-Defamation League would be necessary to create a Proinvasión Committee of Mexico. Hold demonstrations and claims to force change to corrupt national government. The historic Cuban leader Jorge Mas Canosa is incomparable to any criticism that the "eminent" Mexicans (comedians and actors) in the United States can make to our country.

Lately, prigobierno advocates have established a comparison between Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Donald Trump. Characters like Trump are more important when it is observed that some of his invectives are real and sensible about what should be done in Mexico. His Mexican critics have created the stereotype of the "Messiah Trumpical"; however, they forget the differences between American and Mexican society. The Americans can not be manipulated with a black campaign like 2006 or are going to temper the resentment against Mexico only because in our country the "decent people" respectfully listened to Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The PRI refers nationalistic jingoism measures that tackle the grievance to the Motherland How serious is a break with the United States? For those who yearn for modernity in Mexico, the fact is mortal. It involves the cancellation of democracy, secularism, capitalism, equality, freedom and justice. But for those who want to return to Mexico to colonial times there is no better situation. They could turn the country into a big ranch full of narcocaciques and palenques where life is a permanent fair.

¿Donald Trump and AMLO are right in most of his ideas about Mexico? Claudio Lomnitz has been a student of Mexican Judeophobia and its persistence in the political, economic and social imaginary of the ruling class. What sense has an Anti-Defamation League as corrupt and authoritarian regime impoverishing as having Mexico? If this is true, we should think-then in the right of the Nazis, Muslim extremists, the Chinese Maoists, Stalinists and the KKK to not lose their dignity. Mexican migrants in the United States only have the ability to play the PRI culture. In different anthropological and sociological studies it evidenced that tiny economic empowerment and increase serves to return to their home communities or regions to become the new chief. In Puebla, for example, the PRI government of Mario Marín was held at its worst by the emigrant community in New York, Chicago, California and Texas. This can only be understood once the texts are read Oscar Lewis. Mexicans are the sons of bitches, Sanchez and Pedro Paramo. We can not behave otherwise because it is not yet in our nature.

Donald Trump is not only an anti-Mexican candidate, it is also an anti-establishment candidate. It is laudable in his speech the recognition that the US government has been doting and responsible for the Mexican situation. Electoral fraud, the scandalous corruption, drug trafficking, impoverishment and violence, are explained by the US counterpart. The situation, however, has reached a very dangerous moment. The PRI culture, mexicanidad, is contagious. If the Spanish model "Los Angeles" is widespread in the United States, the Anglo-Saxon and Western decadence is assured. Only assholes, marijuana smokers and poor can believe that the PRI will change the situation in Mexico. This is schizophrenic if we govern PRI members of all political parties. Donald Trump for the United States must contain the Hispanic emigration because if you do not, every time it is more like Mexico. It is more dangerous to America to learn the culture kiriárquica narcocaciquil the risk of Arab fundamentalism, aggressive Russian or Chinese dumping.

Although the regime of the Cuban revolution has developed significant changes in the social structure of the Caribbean island, Cuban immigrants in Miami have always insisted the military invasion of their nation. It is another model of hispanización and modernity which arises from this experience. Would it be logical that Cubans in Miami defend Fidel Castro? What is the sense of defending a system like Mexico? Would not it be more reasonable that Mexican migrants to call for an invasion of the republic and the destruction of a government that impoverishes and prostitutes, kill mercilessly youth, university students and women, negotiates the blood of the proletariat with a cheater and incompetent industry which it is saturated in a narco corruption and only legitimizes the unpresentable cassock Catholic pederast?

Donald Trump is not like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Trump is the Vicente Fox took the PRI Dinosaur in 2000 and can do it right now. Hopefully Trump President Fox not as president. Mexican regime does not like to describe it. Mexico remains Canoa, a Castle of Purity, a Church of Silence where it is forbidden to think and criticize. So when bizarre characters like Fox or Trump speak and tell the truth, they become unbearable. The institutional defense that has made Mexico is as ridiculous as that of Francisco Labastida in that memorable debate.

Mexican debt with modernity is a burden that will continue to pay a very high level and middle-class university in the country. The inability of the government and the main political parties to restore the failed Mexican democracy urge to take things seriously. Donald Trump only in geopolitics raises what is known, at least two decades. If Mexico and Latin America do not mature as a state and citizens, if they persist in not accepting Western civilization of which they are bastard children, the risk is to become the new enemy of the West, to be failed states that far from not care to no, it is necessary to isolate or remove to prevent infection. Rather than repudiating Donald Trump for his criticism toward Mexicans, it is necessary to applaud him and Samuel Huntington's approach changes the culture and public policy agenda in Mexico need. Also, if America agrees to the idiots republics or caciquiles kiriárquicas just because they are not communists, then, to assume the decay and disease that causes their coexistence.

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