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Fakefeminism and the audacity of the mexican extreme right

Fakeminism and the audacity of the Mexican extreme right
February 28, 2020

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

Female leadership has been present in the important circumstances and the most significant moments of national life. The historical forces that have set the tone for the political dialectic in the country have had their heroines and great collaborators sometimes leading, sometimes discreet. In the case of Mexican conservatism there are many women who have contributed since anonymity, and contribute, to the magnitude of right-wing hegemony.

An important historical stage to understand how rights, particularly religious rights, use women to obtain their political ends and the necessary power, is the Cristero War of the early twentieth century. Generals Calles and Obregón sarcastically believed that the religious conflict was "a matter of skirts," referring to the influence that Catholic priests exerted on devout women. But minimizing the power of the skirts strengthened invisible chains of command of men and women who armed the Cristeros with multiple supplies and the violence unleashed was so severe, or even worse than that experienced in the Mexican Revolution.

The organization was so effective that it achieved the assassination of the elected President. The religious María Concepción de la Llata ​​was part of a plot that fractured the Mexican State and exposed him to the intervention of the Holy See and the United States. The conspiracy that personified the "Mother Conchita" realizes how the Mexican extreme right uses women, and the consequences that this can bring. At the end of her life, Mother Concepción renounced those who abandoned her and ignored the importance of the generous act that the religious contributed to Mexican Catholicism. Just as the men with skirts used Mother Conchita to maintain the power of the Roman Caesar, they now repeat the lesson infiltrating feminist collectives and building hate campaigns.

Chantal Mouffe and Esther Vilar have recognized the existence of a “conservative feminism”, attached to a kiriarcado that links capitalism and religious control, which contrasts with the socialist, secular, liberal, environmentalist and democratic nature of authentic feminism. The right has celebrated student killings; There are hundreds of books where those who now care about the human rights of women and students recently celebrated their massacre. If they now show concern for them, this is false and is due to pragmatism and hypocrisy of the highest level.

Many mistakes the 4T government has made; Perhaps the most serious has been to agree with social Catholicism, believing to find an ally to move towards a new regime. The right has no word and has betrayed Mexico on countless occasions. Women, men, citizens in general should be aware that the high-ranking leaders with skirts, such as the multi-studied father Maciel, have never done anything for the good of the country, to encourage the exercise of reason and cultivate the free will of their flock. There are his works, there is his ethics.

In Mexico a true democracy is built. As in the Maderista era, the media abuse an unknown freedom and, instead of getting to work, of producing seriously, they demonstrate their meanness by prostituting the truth, serving the interest of the imperialists and fascists. Now they behave like suripantas of men with skirts

and expect a little man like Victoriano Huerta to conquer his free Mexico. It's coming, just remember who made our country the most dangerous in the world for journalists.

For the security and the rule of law to consolidate in Mexico, the secular State is indispensable. The right has been responsible for impoverishing the country and now cares for the poor; He has exercised control over Mexicans and today offers to free them. Society has been secularized at the pace of the Mexican transition, but it has not been able to shield against media manipulation and alienation. Society must inoculate against the usual liars. Is there any historical evidence that the right saves women and students? Has the Holy See or the “Mafia of men with skirts” done anything good in the countries they dominate? The manipulation of universities and the feminist movement is a felony and betrayal of human values. Do we forget who manages death squads and starving businessmen?

Confronting the female and student group with the Mexican government is not beneficial either for women or for students, much less for the design of public policies that democratic quality requires. Only whoever hates Mexicans could agree with something like that. When, like Mother Conchita, we go to the prison driven mad by the manipulation of building the City of God on earth under the guidance of the devil in dress, it will be too late for repentance

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