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Cpac. The Mexican Trumpist Right

 Cpac. The Mexican Trumpist Right

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

One interpretation that can be made of the event that Eduardo Verástegui called to establish a current of support for Donald Trump, fulfilled a proportional objective. The electoral competition for the presidency of the United States is becoming increasingly close and Mexican actors still resist understanding that they must participate and select a side. Standing at the end, waiting to see who remains in power in North America, can imply high costs since there is a different value in each proposal, Democrats and Republicans no longer represent Pepsi and Coca Cola, there are parties that propose different and antagonistic options according to the groups that are supporting them.

The fight, in the end, is between globalists and multipolarists. The Democratic Party resumes a global progressive populism that tries to maintain, on pins and needles, the North American hegemony and the territorial influence in each of the points that the geopolitical chessboard demands. However, after the Cold War and, above all, once neo-extractivist neoliberalism has failed, the Yankee Empire must retreat from its hegemony and, as the USSR did in the nineties of the last century, surrender its borders to give other central states the opportunity to influence its vital space. The Republicans are aware that the decline of the United States began with the “Clash of civilizations” proposed by Samuel Huntington and faced with the inability to influence it, they stood by and waited for a Christian nationalism that Donald Trump has been building.

Behind the right-wing Trumpist populism, there is a silent majority of Christians with different denominations that are overtaking the Republican Party. Donald Trump, like Vicente Fox in 2000, displaced the historical groups of Republicanism and has with him numerous religious groups from plural Christian sectors that contribute to empowering conservatism and the regeneration of the American identity.

Even though the North American Empire is in retreat, it will always be a giant for the neighborhood with Mexico. There are more coincidences between the Morena style of governing and the Trumpist Republican than with the Democrats.

The neoliberal right does not adequately interpret the signals from CPAC and Trumpism. The opposition has decided to preserve its islands of power to survive in the coming populist regime, but they leave aside the possibility of achieving greater integration with North America.

Donald Trump is proposing a conservative revolution in the United States to return power to the people of the middle classes, the multiple Christian churches and the WASP status quo. The lesson of North American exceptionalism should make us understand that these phenomena imply that the Deep State must legitimize itself in another way with society and the world.

The Yankee empire has an economic and social bankruptcy that demands the recovery of minimum freedoms and the reestablishment of social control over progressives and mythomaniac plutocrats.

The CPAC event brought together important actors who are seriously betting on emptying the PAN, MC and civil society, to support a conservative populism that will bring together the Christian nationalism of the American Republicans and the Mexican humanists.

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