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Transfuguism and infiltration

 Transfuguism and infiltration

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

The hangover from the electoral process has generated the partisan emigration of several political cadres towards Morena, which had been happening since the beginning of the six-year term; but, now, it has increased disproportionately after the triumph of Sheinbaum Pardo and represents an uncontrollable phenomenon. Beyond the opportunism and pragmatism that these practices constitute, the despicable nature of some cases allows us to frame a greater phenomenon: infiltration. Transfuguism manifests the main Machiavellian virtue, that is, simulation; which in situations of siege and imperialism such as those that attack Mexico, should be taken with greater interest and attention.

In the studies of the Mexican extreme right, the journalist Álvaro Delgado describes the infiltration processes that secret societies promoted in the different economic, political and social sectors; until reaching a degree of almost absolute control. Institutions such as the PRI and the Mexican Army did not represent a major obstacle to the permeability of external agents, nor did co-optation serve as an insulator or a method of control. Loyalties in societies in transition are inexplicable. The infiltration carried out by other types of secret societies such as drug trafficking, crime and foreign agents, how much can be regulated in Morena?

The Hegemonic Party that is glimpsed in the organizational future of Morena may turn out to be a façade due to the disconnection that is noted between leadership cadres, public representatives, militants and society. No organization escapes the iron law of the oligarchy, the issue lies in ensuring that the leadership corresponds to the goals and bases of the movement. The narrative proposed by Gerardo Fernández Noroña, in concrete terms, is partially disconnected from reality, to the benefit of Lilly Téllez.

The elites represent one of the most pessimistic axioms of the social sciences, but these historical laws can also be reinterpreted. The formation of good elites, corresponding to the historical moment that a society is experiencing, can be achieved by regulating phenomena such as defection and the development of forms of party control and institutionalization.

The new and recent passengers of Morenoism are not innocuous agents. The political class has represented a risk for the Mexican State due to its lack of education, commitment and characteristic patrimonialism; what other risk do they represent if they obey principles alien to the national interest?

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