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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2025

The ability to govern in Mexico

 The ability to govern in Mexico Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero Marcelo Ebrard's visit to the United States to lobby for the negative situation that Donald Trump has raised about Mexico, is evidence not only of the limited governability of our country but also of the constant decrease in communicating vessels between the North American and Mexican governments. The government of our country has historically only served to generate intermediations that, in general, are temporary arrangements to appease problems. Samuel Schmidt calls it "Planned Ineffectiveness," telling everyone yes; but never when. Schmidt coordinated, at the end of the last century, one of the original works on the concept of governability. The texts collected in this work, fundamentally the work of Yehezkel Dror, raise the need for ethical political leadership and a project for the future; Indeed, without community goals and objectives, the country is adrift, it is a ship that is driven according to th...

Intermarium and Ukraine against the emerging right

 Intermarium and Ukraine against the emerging right Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero  The way in which the peace negotiations are creating a scenario favourable to Russia and detrimental to Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, marks a change of era and aggravates the crisis of liberal democracy in the world. It is not necessary to specifically point out who says what in relation to Ukraine and NATO, but the truth is that the United States government headed by Republican Donald Trump is including Russia in the Western sphere to the detriment of Europe. How much difference is there compared to the nineties of the last century? The song “God Old Boys” seems to replace the “Winds of change” of that time. Russia can be a hope for the West if Europe embraces the alternative radical right. Trump, Vance or Rubio seem to justify Vladimir Putin's competitive authoritarianism against the liberal excesses of Western democracy, the fear of the Americans regarding China seems more than rea...

American military interventions in Mexico

 American military interventions in Mexico Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero During the 1846 war between Mexico and the United States, the Americans had the opportunity to wrest a larger proportion of territory from the defeated country and they did not do so. Even so, despite the open request of conservative and liberal groups that asked for Mexican integration into North America, or for the American military to remain there as long as possible. There will always be doubts about the reasons that inhibited the Yankees; later it seems that moderation prevailed to contain the territorial voracity of the American Union. Some historians grant the main reason for American containment of Mexico to be the fact of the American Civil War, undoubtedly the most violent war of the 19th century. Is this trigger pointed out by General Ulysses Grant still valid in the event of a military intervention by the United States in Mexico right now? According to Friedman, Garreau and Huntington, the quest...

Tejas vs. Texas vs. the United States

 Tejas vs. Texas vs. the United States Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero George Friedman's perspective on the conflict between Mexico and the United States projected for the year 2080, begins to develop some of its facets in the south of North America and particularly in Texas. The Lone Star State, like others in the American Union, is generating a disruptive dynamic in the face of the appearance of Donald Trump and his style of government; Texas, California and other entities are considering the exit from American federalism not only because of the differences with Trumpism but also because of the internal conflicts that have begun to develop. Leopoldo Santos in La Jornada reviews, a few days ago, the historical movements of Mexican-Americans who crossed the border and have fought - politically and militarily - the WASP hegemony that does not respect their historical and contingent rights. Mexican-Americans, at least in the case of Texas, have been historically oppressed like the n...