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The ability to govern in Mexico

 The ability to govern in Mexico

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

Marcelo Ebrard's visit to the United States to lobby for the negative situation that Donald Trump has raised about Mexico, is evidence not only of the limited governability of our country but also of the constant decrease in communicating vessels between the North American and Mexican governments. The government of our country has historically only served to generate intermediations that, in general, are temporary arrangements to appease problems. Samuel Schmidt calls it "Planned Ineffectiveness," telling everyone yes; but never when. Schmidt coordinated, at the end of the last century, one of the original works on the concept of governability. The texts collected in this work, fundamentally the work of Yehezkel Dror, raise the need for ethical political leadership and a project for the future; Indeed, without community goals and objectives, the country is adrift, it is a ship that is driven according to the whims of the powers that be and, as the protagonist of the Tin Drum, it is a sign of emotional immaturity, a State that does not want to grow (Ikram Antaki).

Can the Mexican government still maintain the “quinceañera syndrome”? Probably not. The political situation in Mexico has been demanding definitions for some time and the scenario that Donald Trump poses is more than threatening. The threat of Trumpism is radical against Mexico, we are all enemies of Trumpism and the consideration of terrorism implies a complete denial of Mexican society. It is true that the current times of the “Sugar Daddy” profile can lead to considering that Trumpism is full of old fools and easily manipulated; however, this is not entirely true, at least not for Mexico. If Donald Trump does not prevail against Mexico, it will be evident that the United States does not win wars, not even cultural ones, the American defeat in Mexico will be worse than Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq. This time, the risk of failing in the operation against Mexicanness will not only be an unfulfilled promise for the Republican electorate but also a sign of decline in the face of the world; even the failure of the United States to impose governability in Mexico will be a sign of an emotional codependency similar to drug addiction. That is, the United States only wants Mexico as a piñata to ward off its traumas. Mexico has been constantly disapproved of by North America, there have been hundreds of studies that show the Mexican impossibility of American assimilation; therefore, the reason for remaining attached without a radical American intervention is complicated by so many problems that the neighborhood generates.

Claudia Sheinbaum's government can take the support of the United States to establish the minimum levels of governability and call for a national pact that underpins a new social and political leadership. Manuel Camacho Solís proposed national agreements since the terrible 1994 to inhibit governability directed from North America; It is therefore urgent to depolarize the country and call for a national project before the United States decides to turn Mexico into its Latin American Ukraine.

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