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The Jacobson Operation

The Jacobson Operation
By Diego Velázquez

In earlier days Carlos Ramirez (16/08/2016) showed the interest of the US Embassy to intervene in Mexico's presidential election to support Margarita Zavala. Social rejection that has the PRI, and the likely alternation in the executive branch, generating a yankee inclination to favor the Right and Right-Wing Extremism in our country. For nothing is eccentric propensity to create a "Patriotic Alliance" call PRIAN to return homogeneous fascist interests of political, economic and social actors whose distinction lies in the seriousness of making constant attacks on the governments of Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and Brazil before to amend the same. What is the difference between systematic violation of human rights, corruption of governments and assumptions prianistas Latin American contexts that describe? Even the Konrad Adenauer Foundation conservatively-of undoubted belonging reproves the PAN or PRI governments by index methodology democratic development.
The intention of the US government lies in merging the agenda of Clinton and Zavala to resume the implementation of pentagonism in the calderonato bled our society. The Democratic Party does not want to contribute to improving the situation of governance in Mexico but continue with drug trafficking necessary for the US young and the enslaving immigrants to subsidize its economic growth. The relationship between Mexico and the United States has been severely damaged during the Barack Obama because of his laziness and irresponsibility. His government will be responsible for the most serious damage suffered by the Mexican-American relations.
In the end, US Democrats have applied to be the Henry Lane Wilson seeking his Victoriano Huerta to place order. PAN want to be the Antonio Santacruz that is subordinated to the United States for hybridizing economic liberalism and maintenance vatican capital in the "modus vivendi" that allowed them to assist in power with the PRI dirty. From the attack on Pearl Harbor, America implemented a fascist consensus with Mexican radical religious right and whose dividends have been negative. The conservative modernity in Latin America is impossible because the model of local Christianity does not seek to stabilize social order through education and partnerships. Latin American Christianity is facing the Middle Ages and the homeland of Creole. Racism, xenophobia, classism and intolerance can not be the cement of a society. They agree to sacrifice the masses while their elites persist. Agree develop progressive dictatorships; however, the eyes of the Mexican far right are always in Europe, build the hispanoamericanismo instead of Pan-Americanism.
An example of the extreme right proposed order can be seen in the state of Morelos. The attacks on the government of Graco Ramirez are Yunque product, secret organization allergic to the republic, equality, democracy and peace. Octavio Rodriguez Araujo (26/02/2009) described how members of Testimony and Hope inserted in the CIDHEM built factions that persist in unbalancing any government where they do not receive their participation or dues. What other reason apart from pentagonism, has the United States in Mexico for a dynamic such as that experienced in Morelos is generated?
The country's relationship with the Republican Party, in practice, has been better. Even the prianista Moreno Valley recognizes that Ronald Reagan is the best of American presidents regarding the treatment to Mexico. An indisputable case is the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and Benito Juarez. Understanding and respect, collaboration in the path of liberalism and understanding of the historical, encouraged a full-fledged instant support between the bear and porcupine. Contextual conditions have changed; but the problems that almost caused the absence of the Mexican Republic and the American union, it is demonstrated that it can help in various ways.
Some of the externalities caused Donald Trump's visit constitutes the spotlight that illuminates the Mexican condition. Now, the Democrats have realized that Mexico exists and is important. Now, as in the nineteenth century, it is essential to support the development of the nation and state in Mexico; the extreme right elements that do not understand because their vision of society corresponds to the powers that allow the global order that the Holy See intends. Republic, Positive Law, Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Tolerance are conflicting values ​​those who seek hierarchical societies caste, justice inspired by the Holy Office and education controlled by the Congregation of the Faith. If Mexico is important, for better or worse, it is necessary to think about the type of country and neighbor we should be. Nobody wants to have a scandalous, violent, uneducated, drug dealer, aggressive and foolish neighbor; however, most of the political and national economic class has been developed with these elements. The PAN, nationalist? False. In its reactionary vocation he has always been the destruction of the State and the Republic. The PRI ¿Nationalist? False. His cacique technocratic vision has confused mexicanity with corruption, they wasted decades for abusing the popular misoneism. Nationalists were only Plutarco Elias Calles, Lazaro Cardenas and Benito Juarez.
If the wall Donald Trump is present, it is because urgently needed policies to develop the state. The Democratic Party may lose the elections because it lacks a programmatic platform with respect to our country. Hillary Clinton is serious that has not responded to an immediate visit to Mexico. If Peña Nieto was wrong and threatens the world for helping Donald Trump with his false democratic leadership, where is the clintoniana proposal to contribute to the order and governance Mexicans under a peaceful scheme? Graver still is the tacit pact between the US Embassy and the secret powers in México. There is still time for a new ambassador and to decent treatment.
Antonio Santacruz, Victoriano Huerta and PRIAN; They are the product of pointsettiana look, the results are obvious. When America look to Mexico, and the world through the eyes of Abraham Lincoln may Benito Juarez and the emergence of a honorable neighborhood.
Can Enrique Peña Nieto overcome the animosity asking his resignation and overcome a scenario that seems like maderista government overthrown by the extreme right? Is Roberta Jacobson Henry Lane Wilson XXI Century?

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