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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2017

Moreno; but with a free soul

Moreno; but with a free soul By Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero 2018 will be a caste war. It is not the first nor the last occasion that this happens in a country like Mexico. Miscegenation is a myth that seeks to hide our differences; although these have always been there, distinguishing the country from each one. The polarization that has generated the injustice of the economic structure is shown in the evidence of INEGI regarding the racism that persists in the national culture. The castes of the colonial era are still there for the pride of the Creoles and resentment of others. The dark face has been the most discredited everywhere. The Virgin of Guadalupe is tanned skin; but the owners of the country are white. The morenos die in torrents due to the economic lack, violence, poverty and exclusion caused by white masters. It would be interesting to ask David Páramo in the opposite direction. What is the ratio of whites to morenos in terms of deaths by the Mexican Faile...

Andreas Schedler, the party of "perrones" and the electoral gutierritos

Andreas Schedler, the party of "perrones" and the electoral gutierritos By Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero José Antonio Meade Kuribreña is asking for US intervention in Mexico to safeguard the discouraged national bourgeoisie and not break with dependence on US imperialism. Only in this way can the Internal Security Law be understood as well as the lack of recognition of the reality that our country is experiencing. A character like Andreas Schedler (In the fog of war, 2015) is surprised by the cynicism and denial that is made of a context like the Mexican. The academic is one of the most important figures of national political science; However, the most important thing has been its evolution from the defenseless electoral analysis to the study and understanding of the phenomenon that distinguishes this cute and bandit Mexico: violence. Our country is experiencing a war of low intensity, at the level of the Middle East, that few have wanted to see and, even l...

Morelos: the gospel of the Anvil

Morelos: the gospel of the Anvil  By Diego Velázquez The political situation in the entity that gave birth to General Emiliano Zapata, is proof of the capacity for anarchy, violence and blackmail that the Mexican far right can exercise. Infiltration, destabilization and terrorism are some of the conditions that have marked the actions of façade organizations such as the Testimony and Hope (Testimonio y Esperanza) Movement of Catholic nationalist roots. Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Puebla, Querétaro and Aguascalientes, to name a few entities, have experienced situations of ungovernability derived from the deep and mysterious interests that integral intransigent Catholicism holds.  It is true that Graco Ramírez does not escape the condition of bad rulers; however, it is also true that the state administration has had to dismantle all those publi...