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Mexican Cartels: Coarsairs Meaning

Mexican Cartels: Coarsairs Meaning 

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

According to George Friedman, there is a connection between businessmen, government and drug cartels that supposed a prospective attack on the United States in 2080. This logic, however, corresponds to the history of England and the Anglo-Saxon culture that encouraged piracy while protecting the protagonists of the robbery and trafficking. The British East India Company was a project that structured actors of diverse nature to promote Anglo-Saxon hegemony in the West.

This model has not been able to be replicated in Latin America, although the conditions are in a similar condition and, despite the fact that these alliances are shown as evident and irrefutable, Mexico does not have anything bordering on the British Company; but, it is highly probable that, according to historical tradition, the United States will develop similar schemes. Blackwater is the modern version of the British East India Company. Where does this leave Mexican drug trafficking?

The comprehensive sociological narrative of drug trafficking has lost all meaning. Factionalism destroys the perspective that the cartels do not exist, that they are run by the Mexican government or that they even represent mercenaries from other countries. The low-intensity war that Mexico has experienced for almost twenty years, the Zedillo-Calderonista war on drugs, does not allow us to see the sides or who the enemies of Mexican society are.

George Friedman's analysis seems ideally manufactured for the war that the Yankee Empire and its Pentagonism need. Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Elon Musk can be confident that their ultra-power will easily prevail in Mexico; however, it is important to point out that the scarecrow of the Mexican Drug Conspiracy to destroy the United States never existed. Like all conspiracies, it is a myth implanted in the White House by the Deep State so feared by Mister Carrot; but always allied to Mister Danger. The arrival of Donald Trump is one of the most important risks for Mexican identity in contemporary times; hopefully this problem will lead to national unity and, if confrontation is inevitable, the best negotiation and post-war strategy with North America will be established.

Mexican identity can be something more than inertia, a stronger impulse than the springboard used by Hispanic identity. The intellectual evolution developed by Jorge Castañeda Gutman implies a task for future generations; Mexico will never exist while it is in the shadow of Hispanic identity, on the other hand, Mexico can overcome the proteusia and entelechy of egepticism if it takes seriously the task of assimilation that the millions of Mexican emigrants in North America have developed. The border, the zone of civilizational breakdown that our country has, daily points out the cultural orphanage of Mexico, Mexico is more North America than Latin America. With Donald Trump comes another opportunity to abandon schizophrenia.

The unrest, confusion and desolation that the arrival of Trumpism implies for Mexico can also be an incentive to understand a reality that is evaded by the Hispanic cultural hegemony. Mexico, in a strict, material and economic sense, is part of the United States; but, Mexican society does not benefit from the results and actions that this proximity and leverage provokes. The departure from the Habsburg Model, from the old feudal regime, can be caused by the impending conflict with the United States. The low-intensity war is becoming an extreme civil war that no one understands or can stop; the American Corsairs did their job well and now the United States will propose the solution. This is what happened in the Mexican Revolution, the Cristiada, the Second World War and the Cold War. In this course of events only one thing is clear: the national government counts less and less and the dominant classes accelerate their accommodative movements; Mexican society has the final say - as in 1994 - to choose the task of North American assimilation or the story of the patrimonialist, corporatist, caciquil dinosaur.

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