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Mexico's Transactions with the United States

 Mexico's Transactions with the United States

Diego Martín Velázquez Caballero

Some analysts continue to find it surprising that Mexico is reacting slowly to threats from the United States. Although it is stressed that the country should organize itself as Ukraine did with regard to Russia, the truth is that the interdependence of Mexico and the United States has so many elements that integration is more evident than fracture; a North American military intervention can even fragment convergences and values ​​understood in certain aspects. The manifest governmental apathy seems to indicate that Mexico lives in relation to the United States under a prolonged Indentured Servant, that is, the labor servitude that has been so important for the subsidy of the North American economy during the centuries of its existence and that, whatever happens, Mexican slavery will end up mitigating the economic crisis in North America.

The indentured servant has been a condition of several nationalities that seek to integrate into North America. It is the racial cover that in some cases, such as African Americans, has lasted almost as long as that of Hispanics. It is true that this figure has disappeared from legal consideration in the admission of American nationality and citizenship; however, this is the only way to understand that the pressure on our country has taken on elevated tones, regular incrementalist actions on the part of North America, and passive national resistance from Mexican society.

Of course, Mexicans in the United States are more than important for the economy of the powerful northern neighbor; however, Mexico cannot implement the measures that the Trumpist government intends to solve the American problems of drugs and employment. The historical speed between our countries has marked differences.

The lack of synchronicity between Mexico and the United States can cause one of the most important humanitarian crises in the region, the government of Claudia Sheinbaum is obliged to exercise important leadership. That is, it is not only about demanding recognition of the importance of migrants, it is also essential to change the regional context of the country. If insecurity, caciques, the strength of the de facto powers, etc. were to decrease in Mexico; also the entry of foreign remittances would have a better impact and migration would decrease; Emigration is similar to the escape from narco-societies and terrible spaces full of anomies. Attention to internal problems also counts for the perception of Mexican emigration to change. The Mexican universe is saturated with traumas caused by poverty, violence and drug trafficking.

The president of Mexico should not side with coyotes, chieftains, criminals and polleros who have taken advantage of migration for so long, turning it into trafficking and exploitation. The elaboration of PAN public policies during the Fox period that sought to involve Mexican migrants in the community development of their localities and civic participation in them can be questioned; it is true, they worked poorly and little. However, Morena has nothing and does not consult specialists and scholars of the subject to take better advantage of the material and cultural importance of remittances. The latest research on the avocado and lemon trade has significant contributions to understanding the migratory phenomenon in our country. Government innovation must also consult and improve the actions of the administrative past.

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